Most parents who separate at least start out with the best intentions for harmonious co-parenting and amicable future family gatherings.

However, the reality is that even in the most friendly and civilised separations, occasions will arise where both parents simply do not see eye-to-eye on certain matters. This is hardly surprising when you consider that, if everybody got along all the time, is it unlikely that a separation or divorce would ever have come to pass!

Perhaps you can’t agree on whether to allow the kids to spend time overnight with well-meaning but somewhat dotty Great Aunt Ethel. Perhaps one parent is fixated on the concept of an expensive private education, but is not prepared to contribute fairly to the costs of achieving this dream.

Or perhaps the informal agreement which was just fine when the initial terms of the separation were agreed on does not stand up to the test of time, different parenting styles or the introduction of new partners (and potential step-parents) to the situation.

Why formal agreements are necessary

Fundamentally, even the most amicable of separations, particularly where the interests of children are concerned, should have formally recorded property settlements and parenting arrangements in place. By arranging and recording any such agreements, the interests of both parents and, importantly, the children, are best protected if disputes arise.

This is particularly the case where there is a lot of disagreement as to how to approach post-separation parenting. In the event that general communication is difficult post-separation, as is often the case, a detailed parenting plan or agreement will clearly set out the rights and obligations of each parents in an objective document.

Whether your relationship with your ex-partner is a positive one or needs a bit of work, it is indisputable that negotiating about matters involving children is highly emotive and challenging.

By engaging a highly qualified and experienced family law specialist you can take the stress out of having to reach a resolution with your former partner, and make the process of negotiating and recording parenting plans and agreements as simple as possible.

Crucially, their expertise will assist you in considering matters and circumstances which should be recorded in a formal parenting agreement, but which may not necessarily be obvious to you at first look.

How we can help

Regardless of whether you are at the beginning of your separation journey, or you might have already obtained advice that you have found confusing or unsatisfactory, at Pentana Stanton Lawyers, we can walk you through each step of the post-separation process. This includes discussing your key objectives and

priorities for the welfare of your children, negotiating with your former spouse and their legal representatives and drafting a cohesive and official parenting agreement that records your intentions. Contact us today to assist you in reaching an agreement with your former spouse in relation to the needs of your children.
